Friday, July 4, 2008


Dragonforce has a new album coming out. I'm guessing it's gonna have some fast songs, and maybe a guitar solo. My favourite part about Dragonforce is always their album and song titles, and this album does not disappoint: Ultra Beatdown. YEAH.

Some selected track titles include "Heartbreak Armageddon", "A Flame for Freedom", "The Fire Still Burns", and "Inside the Winter Storm".

I wonder if I could get a job writing a Dragonforce album worth of song titles... I think I'd be pretty good at it. Check it out:

Track 1 - Eternal Vigilance of the Flame
Track 2 - Hurricane of Swords
Track 3 - Iron Fist of Destiny
Track 4 - Knights of the Fire
Track 5 - Face Punch
Track 6 - Beneath the Blackened Sky
Track 7 - Wield the Burning Sword of Fate... and also Fire

Dragonforce, I am free to start writing immediately.

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