1 - Major key. For the most part, it's gotta be major. No sad, mopey minor key songs.
2 - Guitars. Electronic music is good and all, but in most cases it's just not summery enough.
3 - Suitability for porch or deck. This is non-negotiable. True summer music must be able to be put on in the background while sitting on a porch/deck/dock/land-dock. This requires a certain level of simplicity. I don't want to mosh, or get all pensive, or get lost in super-intricate arrangements while I'm eating a hamburger with my friends, you know?
4 - Road trip potential. Some songs are good deck music. Some songs are good for driving down the highway. Really great summer music is both.
The new Kooks album ("Konk")is an early pick for good summer music, especially the super-catchy vocal harmonies on "Love It All".
The Kooks - Love It All
Also, this dog is totally ready for summer.

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