According to Wikipedia, this particular form of man-cephalopod combat enjoyed brief popularity as early as 1949, but especially in the 1960's. There was even a world championship in Puget Sound, Washington. Time Magazine covered the sport in 1965, and included a few interesting details...
Although there are several accepted techniques for octopus wrestling, the really sporty way requires that the human diver go without artificial breathing apparatus.
Intense. I'm not so sure I'd be eager to take on the mighty octopus underwater without breathing gear. First off, it's home turf for the octopus. It knows the lay of the land. Secondly, it has a six limb advantage on me. Thirdly, beaks. Did I mention they have camouflage?
1 comment:
no f'n way. there is no way that octopusesesess have that good camouflage. seriously, that thing flat out disappears.
maybe that's the david blane of the sea
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