Sunday, February 3, 2008

It's the Hawaii Chair!

Infomercials are basically the lowest form of human communication. Grunting and rhythmically beating one's chest ranks at least a few notches higher. Still, in the world of infomercials, there's bad, and then there's ridiculous.

Take, for example, the Hawaii Chair. This hallmark of human ingenuity promises to "take the work out of your workout" by allowing you to get fit while sitting down. Just because you don't want to be obese doesn't mean you need to give up your sedentary lifestyle in front of the TV!

My favourite part of the infomercial is the computer generated "science" animations, featuring cutaway models of both the human body (it says my abs will glow bright red, glowing means getting in shape!) and the 2800 RPM Hula Motor. Hula Motor? Seriously? I don't think that's a thing.


TommyDoubleU said...

how on EARTH are you supposed to conduct a meeting or use a computer while sitting on that thing. you'd be vomiting all over your work!

Bryce said...

Yeah, the one minor thing they seem to leave out of their infomercial discussion is how ludicrous an idea it is to be in a constant state of hula. The human body is not designed for that.