Posting has been sparse lately, as I had the chance to head out on a brief
musical tour of the east coast for a few days. I also bring with me sad news from the eastern lands... after 40 years of hexagonal pizza deliciousness, Pizza Delight is changing their logo. They've gone from the highly recognizable old-school retro awesomeness of this... this bland, flavourless oval of mediocrity.

They've also changed their corporate name from "Pizza Delight Corporation" to "Imvescor". Mmm, Imvescor. My mouth is watering already.
If you haven't been to Pizza Delight, and you ever find yourself in Eastern Canada, you should make it a priority to check it out. It's a lot like Pizza Hut, except they also have donair sauce for dipping. It might seem like that's a minor addition, but donair sauce is the Philosopher's Stone of pizza consumption. Via some strange alchemy, it turns regular pizza into a world-class delicacy that, if left to my own devices, I would eat until I exploded. Donair sauce is to regular dipping sauce what the space shuttle is to a paper airplane.
In the words of one Mr. Matt Kicul, the old octagon may not have been white and red, but it sure meant "stop" to me.